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The Township of Dallas lies upon the western line of Clinton County. It is bounded on the North by Lebanon Township, on the east by Bengal Township, on the south by Westphalia Township, and on the west by Ionia County.
   Early pioneers began migrating into the area in 1836 and began farming along the stony creek. After several years families began migrating north. At One Time Lebanon Township comprised the entire northwest section of Clinton County. A Legislative Act of March 19, 1845, detached Lebanon Township from the now M-21 and a new Township was formed. The naming of the Township was left to George F. Dutton and Davis Parks. Dutton wished to call it Polk Township in honor of newly elected president. Parks wished to call it Dallas in honor of the vice president elect. It was decided by lot and Parks won, so the newly formed Township was called Dallas.
   The weather conditions in Dallas have been logged as "cold but healthy." The land is a clay loam well suited to the diversified farming. There is very little waste land and productivity is high, making it one of the richest farming areas in the state. The main crops are wheat, corn, hay, and beans. Agriculture continues to be the primary use of the township.
   The Dexter Trail which runs through Dallas along the south side of the Township was the first manmade road in Clinton County. A party of 63 persons traveling in wagons cleared the way. It is said that at one time Dexter trail ran across the entire state. Other important roads include Clintonia which separates Dallas from Ionia County. Wright road which runs north through the township passing through the Village of Fowler. And Grange road which run north through the west side of the township.
   Dallas has grown from its early beginning of a few pioneer settlers to a thriving populous area. The population has grown from 2,100 in the 1970,s to a population of 2,400, according to the 2012 census. This number includes the Village of Fowler.

Some of the early pioneers who still have family members in the vicinity are. Vances, Ulrichs, Feldpauschs, Martins, Fedewas, Gellers, Schafers, and Goerges.

Dallas Township
225 S. Main St. | Fowler, MI 48835

@ 2021 Dallas Township